Our incredible Projects
Capacity building training program
Conducted business plan training Workshops for Science and Technology Ministry officials to enhance their knowledge and capacity to work with entrepreneurs
Client - Ministry of Science and Technology
Project Value (LKR Million) - 6.5
Year of Implementation - 2019
Industry skills council assessment and strategic plan preparation
ISB conducted an assessment for four industry skills councils; construction sector, manufacturing sector, tourism sector and ICT sector having objectives of identification gaps in industry, participation for TVET sector development and industry skills council strengthening
Client - PLAN International
Project Value (LKR Million) - 3
Year of Implementation - 2019/20
Business Investment Readiness Project – Matale District
This project comes under the EU funded ‘Enterprise’ project implemented jointly by Chrysalis and British Council. ISB served as the Social Enterprise Intermediate for Matale District for this project. Fourty youth entrepreneurs were selected to the project having an aim to promote social enterprise concept among young entrepreneurs which could address social and environmental issues in communities.
Client - British Council, Sri Lanka
Project Value (LKR Million) - 4
Year of Implementation - 2019/20
Dairy Sector Market Assessment – Based on Value Chain Approach – Killinochchi District
This was a value chain based market study conducted in Killinochchi District to understand the dairy sector market needs and gaps across the dairy sector value chain. The study followed basic value chain study approach and focused on identification of potential vertical and horizontal integrations among value chain members of Dairy Sector in the district.
Client - World Vision Sri Lanka
Project Value (LKR Million) - 1
Year of Implementation - 2018
Building of business capacity of selected POs in Mannar, Vavuniya, Puttalam
The EU-funded Support to District Development Programme (EU-SDDP) was a 5-year reconstruction and development programme implemented by UNDP.
ISB worked as the prime service provider for the EU-SDDP/UNDP and involved in strengthening capacity of 38 local POs in Dairy, Food processing, Handicrafts and Decorative items, commercial Agriculture, Fisheries, Palmyra and Coir-based products etc in above districts.
Client - United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Project Value (LKR Million) - 45
Year of Implementation - 2016-2018
Capacity Development of the Entrepreneurs and Business Plan Development Assignment.
Preparation of business plans and conducting pitching awareness programs for selected 130 entrepreneurs in Badulla and Moneragala Districts.
Client - Chrysalis
Project Value (LKR Million) - 5.2
Year of Implementation - 2019/20
PLASTICS : “Promoting Long-term Approaches for a Sustainable, Transformative, and Inclusive Circular Economy in Sri Lanka”
The “PLASTICS” project, officially titled “Promoting Long-term Approaches for a Sustainable, Transformative, and Inclusive Circular Economy in Sri Lanka,” is a four-year initiative led by ACTED in collaboration with a consortium comprising ACTED, ISB, BSL, STENUM Asia, and TERI. This project is funded by the EU-SWITCH Asia grant program and strategically aligns with the National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030, reflecting its commitment to reducing plastic waste in packaging, promoting circular economy practices, and significantly increasing plastic waste recycling rates.
Focusing primarily on the Western Province, the project seeks to integrate Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) into environmentally conscious value and supply chains. This approach aims to drive economic growth while ensuring environmental sustainability. By fostering resource efficiency, circular innovation, green finance, and sustainable waste management (SWM) practices, the initiative aspires to create a transformative impact on the plastic value chain.
The project’s overarching goal is to facilitate sustainable and innovative practices for plastic minimization and management in Sri Lanka, contributing to both economic prosperity and environmental preservation. The efforts target improving economic development within the plastic value and supply chain by empowering SMEs and enabling greener business practices.
By the end of 2023, ISB had successfully completed several key milestones, including:
- Conducting plastic value chain assessments.
- Enterprise capacity assessments of the MSMEs.
- Training the MSMEs in business planning, expansion, and entrepreneurship development.
- Preparing detailed business plans for approximately MSMEs.
- Performing in-depth RECP assessments for more than SMEs.
- Conducting a national-level green finance awareness program.
Additionally, ISB contributed to other activities led by consortium partners during this period. The project remains steadfast in its commitment to sustainable plastic waste management in Sri Lanka and will continue until January 2026, aiming to create long-term benefits for both the economy and the environment.
Client - EU-SWITCH Asia SCP Program
Project Value (LKR Million) - LKR 160 Million
Year of Implementation - January 2022 – January 2026
In 2018, the Industrial Services Bureau conducted a comprehensive study on the PET plastic recycling industry in Sri Lanka, funded by The Asia Foundation Sri Lanka and Coca-Cola Sri Lanka. The report highlights the increasing burden of plastic waste, particularly PET, due to inadequate management practices. Its primary objectives were to establish baseline data for PET recycling and identify key performance indicators to enhance recycling strategies. Methodologically, the study involved a literature review of existing data on PET usage, importation, and recycling, alongside field research that included focus group discussions and interviews with stakeholders such as collectors, government officials, and community members.
The findings reveal that while PET is widely used for packaging, it presents significant environmental challenges due to low recycling rates. The accumulation of PET waste contributes to pollution and health hazards, including mosquito breeding and exposure to toxic chemicals. Public awareness regarding the hazards of PET is generally low, although there is an acknowledgment of its environmental impact. The study identifies several challenges to effective recycling, including inefficient collection systems and economic constraints, while also emphasizing the potential roles of women and school children in PET waste management.
To address these issues, the report recommends initiating public awareness campaigns to educate citizens about proper PET usage and disposal, establishing collection networks involving women’s groups and schools, and providing resources and training to local collectors to enhance recycling efficiency. Ultimately, the report underscores the necessity for coordinated efforts among local authorities, NGOs, and communities to improve PET recycling practices and mitigate environmental impacts, supported by a comprehensive list of references related to plastic waste management and environmental policies.
Client - The Asia foundation Sri Lanka and Cocoa Cola Sri Lanka
Project Value (LKR Million) -
Year of Implementation - 2018
Quantitative and Qualitative Study on reducing GHG Emission in Transport, Industry and Households
In 2022, the Industrial Services Bureau (ISB) conducted a comprehensive study on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Sri Lanka, funded by The Asia Foundation Sri Lanka through a grant from the US Department of State. This research revealed Sri Lanka’s significant climate vulnerability, ranking 100th out of 181 countries, with a staggering 336% increase in GHG emissions from 1960 to 2018. Despite contributing less than 0.1% to global CO2 emissions, these emissions pose serious health and environmental challenges, obstructing progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The study focused on three key sectors: Transport, Industries & SMEs, and Domestic. It aimed to analyze regulatory mechanisms, identify bottlenecks in emission control, and assess public awareness regarding emissions. Utilizing both secondary and primary research methods—including surveys and focus group discussions across eight districts—the study targeted vehicle operators, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and households. Additionally, three policy dialogues were conducted at the national level to facilitate discussions on the findings and recommendations.
Key findings highlighted a lack of awareness and understanding of GHG emissions among the public and industry operators, with only 3% of industrial respondents being well-informed about emission control measures. The research also identified significant problems, such as inadequate regulatory frameworks and limited public engagement in emission reduction efforts.
Overall, the study underscores the urgent need for effective emission control strategies, actionable policy recommendations, and collaborative action among government bodies, NGOs, and communities to effectively tackle GHG emissions and contribute to global climate objectives.
Client - The Asia Foundation Sri Lanka
Project Value (LKR Million) - LKR: 6 Million
Year of Implementation - 2022
In-kind grant support program for the beneficiaries of Women’s Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Skills Development Project.
The main objective of this component is to empower war widows in Kilinochchi District, Military widows in Kurunegala and Anuradhapura Districts focusing sustainable livelihoods/enterprises though enterprise development, marketing and technical trainings as well as providing in-kind grant supports.
Client - United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Project Value (LKR Million) - 38
Year of Implementation - 2019 - 2020
Value Chain Study
ISB is one of the pioneers in conducting value chain assignments for various development agencies, bilateral and multilateral agencies, donors, NGOs/INGOs in Sri Lanka. Since 2010, we have experienced in undertaking over 20 assignments covering more than 50 sub sectors in every part of the country.
These sector includes; palmyrah, potato, cinnamon, dairy, cocoa, groundnut, maize, cashew, organic vegetable, sea bass, maize, pepper, ginger, groundnut, passion fruit, coconut, crabs, prawns and sea cucumber, agriculture and livestock sector, dairy and paddy, spice sector coconut, maize, pepper and ginger, dairy, goat, cowpea, paddy and inland fisheries, paddy sectors, pineapple, mango, big onion seeds, chilli, guava, bitter gourd, papaya.
Client - Ministry of Agriculture – Agriculture Sector Modernization Project (ASMP)
Project Value (LKR Million) - 25
Year of Implementation - 2010 – 2020
JICA Export Evaluations
JICA conducts Ex-post evaluations for the projects financed by them, after two years of completion to assess the impact and sustainability of the projects. OECD/DAC criteria used to assess the project. As per the resilience links established with leading Japanese Consultancy firms on Ex-post evaluations, ISB worked as the local consultant to conduct this study.
Client - OPMAC Cooperation
Project Value (LKR Million) - 17.2
Year of Implementation - 2016 & 2017
Community Based Organization (CBO)/Civil Society Organization (CSO) Capacity Development (social & economic) Program in Moneragala & Ampara Districts.
The general objective of this program was to support women and youth-led CBOs/CSOs and individuals (i.e. leaders and individual members of CBOs/CSOs) to strengthen their capacity in selected areas, which makes them institutionally, economically, and socially viable and able to advocate for the rights of youth and women including other vulnerable groups.
Client - Plan International
Project Value (LKR Million) - 2
Year of Implementation - 2018 – 2019
Consultancy on business planning and mentoring; focusing on producer assessment, business planning, management and advisory support for the producer organizations.
The purpose of this project was to support 39 POs on business planning, management and advisory support and market linkage support in order to develop viable business plans based on market demand, strengthening their business models and management capacities and tap new high-value markets thereby expanding and diversifying their productive and profit-making capacities. This was implemented in Vavuniya, Mannar, Puttalam, Batticaola, Ampara and Moneragala Districts.
Client - United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Project Value (LKR Million) - 47
Year of Implementation - 2015 - 2017
Youth Enterprise Development Project.
This was conducted to empower more than 1300 youths through enterprise development trainings, counselling trainings, exposure visits, trade fairs as well as grants covering selected divisions in Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullathivu, Vavuniya, Mannar, Anuradhapura, Puttalam, Batticaloa, Ampara and Moneragala Districts.
Client - United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Project Value (LKR Million) - 42
Year of Implementation - 2015 – 2017
PLASTICS: Promoting Long-term Approaches for a Sustainable, Transformative and Inclusive Circular Economy in Sri Lanka
Resource efficiency and Cleaner Production application
Supporting SMEs (Plastic recyclers, Manufactures, etc) with applying circular economy practices, including RECP. This accompanied with technical business development, innovation in circular business models, and greening of investments will support SMEs to be leading actors in an inclusive, green economy (IGE) in Sri Lanka. The action will promote resource efficiency, sustainable waste generation and value addition to improve overall competitiveness and cost-efficiency among SMEs. The participating SME’s will be able to reduce the cost of operation through lower purchase of resources, improved process efficiency and improved business resilience through better business practices.
Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and Iso 14001 application
Supporting SMEs to be an environmentally friendly by applying Environmental Management Systems/ ISO 14001. This helps the organization to achieve their internal environment targets through consistent review, evaluation, and continual improvement. ISO 14001 is a voluntary requirement for an industry and it is a powerful indicator to recognize the industry’s environmentally friendly operations.
Client - EU SWITCH Asia
Project Value (LKR Million) -
Year of Implementation - Jan 2022 – Jan 2026
Conducting survey on the use of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and other non ODS refrigerants in Sri Lanka
This baseline survey was conducted to find out HFC usage in Sri Lanka, to predict consumption trends and to assess the use of other non-ODS alternatives (natural refrigerants) in Sri Lanka. The scope of the survey includes collection of data on HFC consumption in the different sectors which consume HFCs; such as Mobile A/C servicing sector, Domestic and commercial A/C, A/C Chillers, Commercial refrigeration (Supermarkets, small and medium size cold rooms, etc.), Industrial refrigeration (Fisheries, poultry &meat, dairy, pharmaceutical), Transport refrigeration and non-refrigeration sectors. Further, the survey also includes the collection of data on HFCs import, export and manufacturing data. The data were used to identify the annual HFCs consumption levels & management and to predict the future trends of HFC consumption, management, annual imports & exports and manufacturing.
Client - UNDP Sri Lanka, National Ozone Unit, Ministry of Environment Sri Lanka
Project Value (LKR Million) - 1.8 LKR Million
Year of Implementation - Aug 2022 – April 2023
Green Finance Market Assessment Sri Lanka
This detailed study was conducted to find out the green financing opportunities in Sri Lanka, including deep dive into green housing, energy efficiency (in SME sector), rooftop solar like high-potential sectors, to identify areas of opportunity for green investments in the country and provide recommendations to unlock financing in these areas. This survey aims to understand the overall market potential and readiness for green financing by financial institutions in the current macroeconomic environment, and address key issues and challenges that hinder green investments, including regulation and policy environment, identify key stakeholders, both private and public, where IFC can collaborate for market creation, investments, and sectoral interventions and identify technical assistance and capacity building needs of stakeholders.
Client - International Finance Cooperation
Project Value (LKR Million) - 5.3 LKR Million
Year of Implementation - April 2024 – July 2024
Quantitative and Qualitative Study on reducing GHG Emission in Transport, Industry and Household Levels
This includes a qualitative and quantitative research on identifying the present situation of GHG emissions from transport, industrial activities and households in the selected areas of Sri Lanka. This study has been come up with an appropriate solutions and strategies to control the emissions, to advocate the relevant government authorities, lobbying bodies, industries and communities.
Client - Asia Foundation Sri Lanka
Project Value (LKR Million) - 6 LKR Million
Year of Implementation - Nov 2021 –Dec-2022
Midterm evaluation of “Eco System Conservation and Management” (ESCAMP) Project.
This project mainly focused on pilot landscape planning and management, sustainable use of natural resources and human-elephant co-existence, protected area management and institutional capacity.
Client - Ministry of Environment and Wildlife Conservation
Project Value (LKR Million) - 2
Year of Implementation - 2020
NAMA Biogas Project
This project was designed to support appropriate climate change mitigation actions in the energy sector as part of the initiatives to achieve the voluntary GHG mitigation targets of Sri Lanka.
Client - Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA)
Project Value (LKR Million) - 3.2
Year of Implementation - 2018 - 2020
Comprehensive energy audit at the Road Development Authority (RDA) Head Office.
ISB conducted a comprehensive energy audit at the RDA Head Office. RDA is planning to implement energy efficiency measures with the recommendations of ISB.
Client - Road Development Authority (RDA)
Project Value (LKR Million) - 1.8
Year of Implementation - 2019
Energy audit on chiller performance of Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Head Office.
A chiller performance study was carried out to investigate performance parameters of the 450 TR central air conditioning system.
Client - Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC)
Project Value (LKR Million) - 0.5
Year of Implementation - 2018
Construction of a boiler chimney of 2 TPH bio mass boilers.
A 60 feet tall MS chimney was installed for the bio mass boiler at Dunagaha Coconut Producers’ Cooperative Society Ltd. Dunagaha.
Client - Dunagaha Coconut Producers Cooperative Society Ltd.
Project Value (LKR Million) - 1.8
Year of Implementation - 2017
Installation of a 200 Kg/h FF oil fired boiler.
A 200 Kg/h FF fired boiler was installed including the chimney and the boiler house at Brandix Athleisure, Polonnaruwa