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Community Survey – Ministry of Industry – Formulation of National Policy for Industry Development
As you are aware, the first stage of the Industrial policy-formulation process, i.e., the industrial diagnosis and the stakeholder consultation commenced from September 2020. The Key Stakeholder workshop was held on 24.09.2020 with the participation of key stakeholders.
Please note that the core objective of the Industrial Policy is to facilitate you, the domestic manufacturing sector and as such, it is through your participation in formulating the policy, that we all can ensure that it is designed in a way to suit the interest of the industry sector in Sri Lanka. That is why the Ministry of Industries invited the industrial sector to actively engage in this process from the initial stage. Hence, please provide your valuable inputs to us, as requested by the attached questionnaire survey.
In view of the above, please be good enough to circulate this message among the prospective community and ensure a maximum level of participation in the online meetings, while providing information through the Questionnaire or through direct contact with the ISB.
You may download the questionnaire from the following link

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